
Buy Lotro Gold: Characters of Middle-earth - Legolas and Gimli

Legolas and Gimli, the most famous Dwarf-Elf duo in Middle Earth, are profiled in this look at the histories of the characters of Lord of The Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar.
A woodland Elf of great renown, Legolas Greenleaf draws his heritage back through the ancient Sindarin line. He is the son of Thranduil, the Elf-king of Mirkwood, though the actual date of his birth is not known. Some say that Legolas has lived for five hundred years or more, but no matter his age, none can dispute that he has earned his place amongst the greatest of elven warriors, having played a key role in many great battles and having felled countless foul Orcs with his dark bow of Mirkwood. Though he does not speak of it, it is commonly held that he fought alongside his father at the foot of Erebor in the Battle of Five Armies.
This brave Dwarf is son of the great Gl󩮬 one of the companions who travelled with Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins to defeat the dragon Smaug and reclaim the Lonely Mountain. Descended from the line of Durin, Gimli is a stout-hearted warrior of great skill and determination. Hailing originally from Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains west of Eriador, Gimli now calls the Lonely Mountain home, and lately has travelled to Rivendell to participate in the council called by Master Elrond. A Dwarf in the presence of Elves, even in these latter days of the Third Age, is cause for much speculation and even outright wonder, for it is no secret that the races of Elves and Dwarves each have long held bitter resentment against one another. However, Gimli's steadfast loyalty in the face of unimaginable perils has allowed him to overcome the ancient bitterness and return to Imladris at his father's side.
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